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Character Sheet


MEGAMI Official Auction “30 Dreams”

Ixy - Ghost (MEGAMI Origin#16) | Foundation



<aside> 👻 “Please listen, and try not to panic.” The temple priest looked serious.

“You were right to come here. The sounds you described can only mean that you are cursed by an evil spirit. If it goes on like this, you and the spirit will soon see each other, and at that point you will be haunted until the day you die.”

“But there is no need to be afraid; we can help you here. Starting immediately, you will need to stay in this temple for the next week – we have a room you can use. Put this sacred object next to your pillow, and take this talisman and put it on the door of your bedroom.” He handed me the indicated objects.

“Listen, the spirit will probably do anything to take the talisman down from your door, and try to lure you out so that you can see each other and be bonded forever. But you must not to talk to it or leave the temple until the morning of the eighth day. Also, just to be safe I’m going to keep your phone too. I know it’s very sudden, and a hassle, but if you follow my instructions, you should be able to get rid of the spirit.”

Day One - Midnight

<Knock knock>

“Good evening my darling! Hey, the password for our computer is ‘WAGMI’, right? Aha! Never mind, it worked!”

Giggling rings out, and slowly fades away.

Day Two - Midnight

<Knock knock>

“...Dog cat schoolgirl devil angel oni wcdonald zombie buddha fortune octopus - oh, was I speaking out loud? Sorry, honey!"

Giggling rings out, and slowly fades away.

Day Three - Midnight

<Knock knock>

“Hmm, I found something interesting in your work folder: ‘Users\Documents\business\Naughty_high_school_girls_having_a_pool_party.mp4’

... Hmm…I wonder if your boss knows about your personal project?”

Giggling rings out, and slowly fades away.

Day Four - Midnight

<Knock knock>

“Oh my, you have 20 new DMs on Twitter, what a popular boy you are! Don’t worry darling, I'll answer them for you ❤.”

Giggling rings out, and slowly fades away.

Day Five - Midnight

<Knock knock>

“Wow, you have so many new unread emails! Let's read some subject headings together… A message from your boss says, ‘Call me ASAP!’ This one is from the new employee you were mentoring, ‘I looked up to you…’ Your buddy in Sales says, ‘Dude, you are in huge trouble!’ And, ooh this sounds bad! Your biggest customer sent a message titled, ‘Regarding the cancellation of our contract.’ Oh, this must be hard for you, honey. Just come out of there and I’m sure we can figure this out together.”

Giggling rings out, and slowly fades away.

Day Six - Midnight

<Knock knock>

<Beep> “You have 444 new messages” <beep>

“Takashi, are you alright? Did something happen? You know you can tell me anything, right? I know you are a good boy, so whatever happens, just know that I believe in you.”

“Aww, your mom…she’s so sweet! Isn't she just precious? I’m so happy to have her as my mother-in-law.”

Giggling rings out, and slowly fades away.

Day Seven - Midnight

<Knock knock>

“Takashi, it's your mother. Open the door please, I’m worried about you. Please let me see your face.”

2:00 AM

<Knock knock>

“Takashi, baby! You’re there, aren't you! Do you understand what you’ve done?! Come out already!”

<Knock knock>

Sometime later

I hear birds chirping, and it seems like the sun is about to come up. It’s been quiet for a while, but I haven’t been able to sleep…it’s finally over!

I carefully open the door. and… it's still pitch-black outside!

“Darling, you’ve finally come out to see me! Here, let me see your face!”

She materialized in front of me for the first time, after we had only heard each other for so long. Jet black hair and alabaster skin contrasted sharply with her blood red eyes, which had widened in shock.

“Wait, WHO ARE YOU?!”

“Um, I've been meaning to tell you…I think you’ve got the wrong Takashi …”
