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Character Sheet





<aside> 🎙️ 🎤 "No matter how many obstacles are in our way... Let’s face them together… So go big! Reach for the stars… Together, we will march towards our dreams~" ❤️

(The concert hall erupts in enthusiastic applause)

(Later, backstage)

Megumin: Producer!

Producer: Megumin, great work out there!

Megumin: Hey, hey, how was I? Cute?

Producer: Sure, you were very cute and authentic. I’m glad we decided to place you in the center. And this dress and mic suit you very well.

Megumin: Yayyyyyy! When I went into the middle of the audience to sing, it made me feel so good. It was so liberating to go anywhere I wanted in the performance space!"

Anna (idol group member): I could feel your happiness reaching the audience - so many of them had smiles on their faces. Megumin, how did you manage that?!

Producer: Actually, I wondered what was going to happen when you pulled that stunt… anyway, I'm glad it ended without any problems. Good job. ~

Megumin: Ehehe, I told you there was nothing to worry about. We made the live performance a success. Sooo, you should reward me! How about a romantic date ~❤️?

Producer: Huh?

Megumin: You said I could have one if everything went great...a promise is a promise ~

Producer: Ah.... well. But yesterday, I found you sleeping in the classroom...so. Your reward is a group outing at a family restaurant.

Megumin: Huhhh ~?!? So sad ~ this won’t be a romantic date?

Anna: Come on Megumin, it’s a family restaurant, I’m not sure what you were expecting! Let's go eat dessert! I'm ready for strawberry pudding.

Megumin: Awww~ The producer was mean~!

Producer (thinking): With proper training, Megumin can definitely make a huge leap. Higher than anyone else! I can't wait for her next live performance!
