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Character Sheet


MEGAMI Official Auction “30 Dreams”



<aside> 🍅 "A vampire can never enter a human's home without an invitation," she, who claimed to be one of these vampires, said with a sigh after I admitted my ignorance to this classic rule.

"In other words, in order to receive an invitation, I must first befriend a person, then seduce them, gain their trust, etc., and then they will finally invite me into their home. Only then can I reveal myself and suck blood. It's like the ‘Punk’d’ TV show in the modern sense."

In my mind, I thought it was totally different, but I didn't dare mention that because it might complicate things.

"Vampires have been following this procedure faithfully for centuries to get human blood. It's a long process each time, and if you are observant, you might notice what is happening and run away. I mean, since you can only see us at night, it’s natural to get suspicious." She sighed.

I had previously found the idea of vampires to be quite scary, but I felt a little sorry for them when I heard her story. It is a sad creature indeed that must struggle for every meal, even if it is blood.

"Then, being a genius as well as a beauty, I had an epiphany! Yes, if they won't let me in, I should invite them! So, I recently opened this fully-fledged vampire maid café!"

It was all clear now. I had been curious about the unusual name "Vampire Maid Café," so I entered the store, and now, after hearing this vampire’s explanation, I was very convinced. If this was a scam, it seems that I fell for it.

“In addition to the usual maid café amenities, this ‘vampire maid café’ offers a 10% discount on the price of a meal if you donate blood.” She smiled. After what she had just told me, I couldn't refuse.

After I accepted her offer, she smiled again and made a heart symbol with her hands, before picking up the syringe and sticking it in my arm.

"Moe, moe, kyun~❤️" she said with a wink.

She seemed experienced at giving injections, and it didn’t hurt at all.

As the blood started to flow, I took in my surroundings. It looked more like a hospital than a café.

After about 400 cc of blood had been drawn, I glanced back at my hostess, and noticed something odd. "So, what is that tomato in your hand?"

"I'm surprised that you asked. We vampires, who usually can't drink blood regularly, have had tomatoes as our staple food for hundreds of years. It's somewhat similar to blood, isn't it? Sometimes, when I can get blood, I mix it with tomatoes and make pasta."

I started to feel more and more sorry for them. I wondered if her supernatural influence made me pity them more.

And then, the blood donation was completed. "Thank you very much! Please come back soon!"

As I saw her cute smile, more like that of a goddess than a vampire, I had a feeling that I would be back very soon indeed.


<aside> 🍅 「私たち吸血鬼は招待状がなければ、決して人間の家に入ることはできないんです。」








「だけれども、美しいだけでなく天才でもある私は、ある時ひらめいてしまったのです! そうだ、人間が家に入れてくれないなら、自分から招待すればいいんだ!とね。というわけで、このたび本格的なヴァンパイアメイドカフェをオープンした次第なのです!」





「おいしくなあれ! 萌え、萌え、キュン❤️」






「よくぞ聞いてくれました! ふだん血を飲むことができない私たち吸血鬼は、何百年も前からトマトを主食としてきたのです。トマトの果汁ってなんだか血に似てますよね。味はぜんぜん違うけど! 似ても似つかないけど! でも気分はとても大事です! たまに貴重な血が手に入ったときは、トマトと混ぜてパスタを作ったりすることもあるんですよ!」




